Youtopian Love Story

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About Us
Looking for quality skin care products at the right price?
You've came to the right place! Here at Youtopia, every single product is handmade with 100% all natural ingredients as well as LOADS of love. It brings great pleasure and honor knowing that Youtopia has and will continue to make others happy and comfortable in their own skin.
Before Youtopia came into play, I myself battled with serve skin issues like eczema and stubborn acne marks. After many trails and errors with eczema lotions and acne creams, I decided enough is enough. If I can't find any working products for my skin, well I be damned, I'LL MAKE IT MYSELF! The results from my handmade products were so undeniable that I had to bring it to others! I now have had orders for Youtopia's products all over the Globe !
I have a genuine love for making the products of Youtopia and what it stands for as a whole. I take pride in making people feel confident. Everyone deserves to love themselves at the fullest capacity. Helping others is like second nature to me. I'm forever grateful to be able to provide for others while enjoying every single itty bitty part of what I do. The definition of happiness.
Any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to shoot an email.
why the name "youtopia"?
My first time hearing the word was in the 8th grade. I was intrigued. " A place of ideal perfection ". To me, the connotation of the word was warm, loving, and overall happy! I never forgot the word since. 8 years later while trying the come up with a name for something that meant so much to me, there it was. Utopia was the perfect name for what I wanted to aim for with my business. I wanted to add a spin to it though. Make it something that was more personal. Give you guys a connection to it.
In this day in age I know that skin plays a big part in confidence from my own experiences. Once I realized I could play a part in enhancing self love within others, it changed my life completely. Seeing that you are naturally beautiful. YOU ARE PEFECTION.